Beetroot veloute soup with yogurt

Σούπα παντζάρι βελουτέ, μια συνταγή γεμάτη χρώμα, γεύση και θρεπτικά στοιχεία! Ένα πιάτο που μπορούμε να φτιάξουμε σε ελάχιστο χρόνο, χωρίς κόπο!
5 minutes
25 minutes
A soup full of color, flavor and nutrients! A dish that can be made in a minimum of time, with few ingredients. Enjoy it hot or cold. Good appetite!
- 800gr. beetroot finely chopped
- 2 medium potatoes chopped
- 10gr. garlic chopped
- 50gr. ginger chopped
- 2lt broth or water
- 180gr. yoghurt
- Salt
- Black pepper (freshly ground)
- 1 onion finely chopped
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 clove of fennel finely chopped
- Put a pot on medium heat. Heat the olive oil and sauté the beets, onion and potatoes for 3-4 ‘until golden brown. Add the vegetable broth and ginger and let the ingredients boil.
- Reduce the heat, cover the saucepan and simmer for about 20 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
- Boil the vegetables in the blender with a small amount of the broth until it becomes a fluffy and smooth mixture. Depending on how we want the final texture of our soup, add broth to the mix.
- Salt the pepper and serve it hot or cold. Add a spoon of yoghurt to the dish and sprinkle with the finely chopped fennel.