Christmas “ekmek” recipe

Εκμέκ με βάση από μελομακάρονο και κουραμπιέ, για να μην πάει τίποτα χαμένο από τα γιορτινά γλυκίσματα που μπορεί να περισσέψαν!

10 minutes
30 minutes

Our favourite Ekmek in a christmas version, with a base made of crushed “melomakarona” and “kourabiedes”.


For base:

  • 50gr. butter “EPIRUS 50-50”
  • 500gr. melomakarona
  • 300gr. kourabiedes (without powdered sugar)

For whipped cream:

  • 500gr. cream 35% fat
  • 50gr. powdered sugar
  • 100gr. grated pistachios for serving

For cream:

  • 100gr. butter “EPIRUS 50-50”
  • 1lt of milk
  • 6 yolks
  • 60gr. flour (sieved)
  • 60gr. corn flour
  • 1 vanilla
  • 170gr. sugar


For base:

  1. We remove the powdered sugar from the kourabiedes. We crush  the kourabiedes and the melomakarona. Stir well with butter.
  2. We take a detachable round pan / pyrex of 26-28 cm and apply our base.

For cream:

  1. Put the milk with half the sugar in a saucepan to warm up. Put all the other ingredients except a butter in a bowl.
  2. When boiling the milk, slowly pour it into the bowl with the remaining ingredients and stir with the wire. Once the mixture has been homogenized, transfer it back to the pot (medium heat) and stir until we have a thick cream.
  3. Add the butter and mix well. Let cool and then spread the cream on the base that we have made .

For whipped cream:

  1. Put the wire in the mixer and beat the cream, which is cold, with the powdered sugar until it binds the mixture and have a fluffy whipped cream.
