15 min
Baking Time
30 min
Bekri meze! A Greek recipe and traditional from Crete. The recipe for bekri meze has sausage and pork but also many vegetables! Try it!
- 600 g boneless pork neck
- 150 g sausage or soutzouki
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 1 onion
- 2 cl. garlic
- 1 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 red pepper
- 1 green pepper
- 100 ml red wine
- ½ dry thyme
- 1 small cinnamon stick
- 1 cube of vegetables
- ½ a glass of water
- bukovo
- parsley
- Cut the pork into small cubes (about 1.5 points, a large dice) and put olive oil in a large pan to burn enough.
- Saute until it turns brown on all sides.
- Then add the sliced sausage, after 2 minutes the sliced onion (crescent moon), some peppers in sticks and finally the garlic.
- Saute for 3 minutes.
- Add the tomato paste, salt, pepper, cinnamon and the boukovo, mixing well and quenching with wine.
- Add the cube, the diced tomato (without the spores), the water and cover with a lid from a pot and let it simmer for 20 to 30 minutes depending on the pieces we have cut.
- Our goal is for it to boil nicely and for everything to be soft.
- Finally, sprinkle with parsley and serve.
- If you want, serve with feta cheese or yogurt.