Sauteed sea bass fillet with celeriac puree



15 min

Baking Time

4 min



Our favorite sea bass in a different version! Accompany it with celery puree to take off its flavor!


  • 2 sea bass of 500-600g each
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2ml of sunflower oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3 sprigs of thyme
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp capers
  • parsley
  • 1tbsp flour
  • fish broth

For the celeriac puree

  • 500 g celeriac
  • 200 g potatoes
  • 400 ml of milk
  • 300 ml of water
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • thyme



  1. Αsk for the fisherman to fillet the sea bass. Take the bones and put them in a saucepan to get their broth.
  2. Score the skin of the sea bass with a knife (this helps to keep the fillet from turning when it comes to temperature).
  3. In a frying pan put the butter with the sunflower oil, thyme and garlic, let it burn a little and add the fillets on the side of the skin over medium-high heat.
  4. After 2 minutes the skin will have become crispy, turn it over, when ready after 2 minutes, remove from the pan, quench with lemon.
  5. Make a sauce by adding capers, chopped parsley, 1 tbsp flour and a little fish broth.

For the celeriac puree

  1. Cut the potatoes and celeriac in small pieces and put them in a saucepan.
  2. Add the milk and water. Allow all ingredients to boil well.
  3. Once boiled, remove the solid ingredients (potato and celeriac) and put them in a bowl.
  4. Melt with a fork, add 1 tsp butter and stir until puree becomes homogenous.
  5. Fill with liquids from the pot, depending on how much fluid we want the puree. Add salt, pepper and thyme.


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