The Super Chocolate Cake

the ultimate chocolate cake

The super cake with three different textures of chocolate, a super recipe to prepare an incredibly delicious and delicious chocolate cake that will satisfy even the most fanatical friends of chocolate! Let’s get started!

For the super chocolate cake, you will need:

  • 130 g of cocoa
  • 230 ml of boiling water
  • 290 ml of milk
  • 250 gr butter, room temperature
  • 600 g sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • Two vanillas
  • 360 g flour for all-purpose
  • 8 g baking powder
  • 6 g soda
  • 3 g salt

For the chocolate cream

  • 600 ml of milk
  • 120 ml of dairy cream
  • 110 g dark dark chocolate
  • 110 g dark sweet chocolate
  • 100 g sugar
  • 40 g cornflour
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 30 g butter
  • 1 vanilla
  • 1 pinch of salt

For fluffy ganache

  • 340 gr dark sweet chocolate
  • 280 ml of dairy cream

For the chocolate icing

  • 180 g dark chocolate
  • 120 ml of dairy cream

After gathering the ingredients, we roll up our sleeves and go do the recipe!

The Super Chocolate Cake – The Recipe

  1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees in the air.
  2. Butter 2(two) 20 cm pans and take some of the cocoa to sprinkle the pans inside.
  3. Put the cocoa with the boiling water in a bowl and mix, add the milk, and set aside.
  4. Put the butter with the sugar in the bucket of the mixer and stir for 4 minutes until fluffy.
  5. Add the eggs one by one and beat until fully incorporated.
  6. In a bowl put the flour, soda, salt, vanilla.
  7. Finally, alternately add the mixture with the flour and the mixture with the cocoa to the mixer, stirring at low speed (but not for long)
  8. Divide the cake mixture into two pans and bake for 35-40 minutes. Put a knife in the center of the cake and if it comes out clean, the cake is baked.

For the chocolate cream of the cake

  1. In a medium saucepan put the milk, dairy cream, chocolates in small pieces and put on the fire until they heat up and the chocolate melts.
  2. Put the cornflour, sugar, salt, and yolks in another bowl until well heated (mix at the last minute before pouring the hot chocolate)
  3. Take hot chocolate with a spoon and pour it into the bowl with the yolks in a continuous flow, stirring constantly with a whisk.
  4. Add 4 tablespoons of hot chocolate, stir and return it all to the pot.
  5. Put it back on the fire and stir with a whisk until it thickens, when it makes the first blisters, remove from the heat.
  6. Add the butter and vanilla.
  7. Put in the fridge for 1 hour.

For fluffy ganache

  1. Put the dairy cream in a small bowl and the chopped chocolate in a bowl.
  2. When the cream is warm, add it to the bowl with the chocolate, leave for 1 minute and mix.
  3. Transfer to another pan and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  4. Then beat in the mixer with the whisk until fluffy and brown in color and transfer to a pastry cone straight, with no tip in front.

For the chocolate icing

  1. We do the same thing we did in the ganache.
  2. Heat the dairy cream, mix with the chopped chocolate.
  3. Set aside for 10 minutes.
  4. We will use it for decoration on our cake.

To “assemble” the cake with the 3 different chocolate textures

  1. Cut the 2 cakes in half to make 4 pieces.
  2. Put one of the 4 pieces of cake on a large plate, rotating.
  3. We put around the perimeter of the cake with the fluffy ganache cornea (not a large amount) we do this so that the next cake rests properly on it.
  4. Then in the center of the first layer of the cake put 4 tbsp of the chocolate cream. Continue in the same way with the next cakes.
  5. Finally, we put the last piece of cake.
  6. Whatever is left of the fluffy ganache, we spread it around the cake to stabilize it and make some rosettes with a cornea on top of the cake.
  7. Finally, we put chocolate ganache around it, creating tears running from the top to the bottom.
  8. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, then serve.

And as soon as you eat the first bite of this delicious cake, then you will feel that it was worth your effort, since this “chocolate experience” that you created, I am sure you have never experienced it again!

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