Squid stuffed with rice and herbs



60 min

Baking Time

25 min



Fasting gives us the chance to detoxify by adopting a more healthy diet, but also to remember forgotten tastes and delicious traditional recipes such as squid. After we appreciate their nutritional value, put them in our diet and after the end of the Great Lent.


1 kg of fresh or frozen squid
2 onions  grated
2 spring onion sliced
2 cloves of garlic chopped
2 ripe tomatoes grated
4 tsp. parsley  chopped
4 tsp. fennel or dill finely chopped
½ cup. of rice for pilaf
½ cup.  wine
1½ tsp. tomato paste
1 pinch of sugar
1 cup.  olive oil
salt – freshly ground pepper
300g spinach
1tbsp butter


  1. We wash and clean our squid. Then we hold their body with one hand and with the other we pull out their intestines and the transparent fur.
  2. Cut the top of the head with the eyes and push the beak out, then chop the tentacles.
  3. In a saucepan, on medium heat, we put more than half of olive oil to warm and start sautéing lightly with onions and garlic until they are polished.
  4. Then add the rice, (washed and drained), stirring for 1 ‘, add the tentacles and quench with wine. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes and then add all the ingredients and let it squeeze stirring constantly because it sticks on the pan.
  5. Then empty the filling in a colander by holding it’s liquids, let it cool for about 10 minutes and start filling about ¾.
  6. Close each slice with a toothpick and place in a wide pot evenly and finally add the remaining olive oil, the liquid we held, 1 ½ cup of water, salt and pepper.
  7. Leave them for about 25-30 minutes without mixing, only to dangle the pot and once hardened their sauce is ready.
  8. Remove the toothpicks and serve by pouring their sauce! For serving, sauté in a little butter the spinach and put it as a base to sit the squid.

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