Pavlova with Strawberries



15 min

Baking Time

120 min


Bring summer a step closer with this Strawberrie’s flavor pavlova recipe!


For the cream:

  • 500ml cream 35% fat
  • 200gr. mascarpone
  • 100gr. powdered sugar
  • Strawberries & red fruits of your choice
  • Mint

For meringue:

  • 8 white eggs, medium size
  • 5 drops of lemon juice
  • 150gr. sugar
  • 100gr. powdered sugar
  • vanilla extract or vanilla powder


  1. For meringue: Place the egg whites with the salt and lemon drops in the mixer bin and with the wire we start to beat them at high speed. Add gently, with a flowing stream, the crystal sugar, in 6-7 doses, and continue to hit the meringue. Once the meringue is ready, add the vanilla. Lastly, we add the powdered sugar, in doses, and mixing gently  with a spatula. Preheat the oven to 100° C in the air. We make a circle on a baking paper, place the baking sheet on a tray and spread our meringue by filling the circle. Bake at 100° C for about 2 hours
  2. For the cream: Add the cream together with the powdered sugar and the mascarpone in the mixer with the wire until it becomes thick.
  3.  Serve and add the strawberries and red fruits of your choice as a topping.

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