Roast goat meat



10 min

Baking Time

170 min



EPIRUS butter gives a special traditional flavor to this gourmet recipe!


  • 2 goat haunches (2-2,5 kilos in total)
  • Lamb or beef suet (caul fat)
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 4 rosemary branches
  • 4 branches of thyme
  • 2tbsp “Epirus” butter (Corfu type) with 50% cow & 50% goat & sheep milk

For the potatoes:

  • 2 kilos “baby” potatoes
  • 250ml water
  • 1 dehydrated broth/stock of chicken
  • 2tbsp mustard
  • 1tbsp honey
  • 2tbsp melted butter “Epirus”
  • Olive oil, salt & pepper

Topping- dressing:

  • 2tbsp mustard
  • 1tbsp honey
  • 1tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp parsley, oregano & lemon juice


  1. Create little holes on the surface of the meat using a steak knife. Fill each hole with garlic, rosemary and thyme. If you have plenty of rosemary and thyme, use it as a topping on the whole surface of the meat.
  2. Spread butter on the meat. Wrap it up with the suet (caul fat) and transfer it in a tray.
  3. For the potatoes:
    Mix all the ingredients in a bowl but the potatoes. Add the potatoes in the tray, then use the mixture to pour over.
  4. Cover up with parchment and baking foil. Preheat the oven to 190°C and roast for 2h & 30 min. We cqan also use parchment and baking foil only to cover up the meat.
  5. Topping-Dressing:
    Mix the mustard, honey and olive oil in a boil. Remove the tray of the oven, Uncover it and add the mixture on the meat. Roast for 15-20 more minutes without using parchment or baking foil. Serve and use some fresh parsley, oregano and lemon juice as toppings.

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